2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Collaborative Mentorship Grant

Request for Applications

Key Dates & links

Application Deadline: September 30, 2020
Expected Notification of Results: October 30, 2020

Application package | Submission form

The 2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Collaborative Mentorship Grant is a new funding opportunity that aims to build connections between stakeholder groups with interests in CHILD-BRIGHT projects as we move towards a better understanding of patient-oriented research (POR) practices, and learn how to authentically engage all parties throughout the research process. The grant aims to support a group of at least three (3) stakeholders to leverage collective expertise towards better understanding the practice of POR. Together the group will explore how to:

  1. Address a specific barrier that impedes authentic patient engagement, or

  2. Work towards building a novel POR project.


Up to $5,000 in funding will be provided to each group to support this proposed initiative. Up to three teams will be funded in this first round of competition.



  1. The proposed activity must be a novel initiative, for example, funds can not support work already in progress unless what is being planned will expand the activity and incorporate additional external perspectives.

  2. Participants must commit to meet virtually or in person at least four (4) times throughout the year.

  3. End-of-project deliverables must include:

    • Presentation of a summary of lessons learned during the collaborative mentorship activity (e.g., the annual CHILD-BRIGHT conference, or a webinar).

    • Evaluation report of the impact of the activity and future directions.


There are two applicant streams:

  1. If your group is already formed, an application can be jointly submitted by all the members of the group outlining the learning objectives or goals.

  2. If you do not yet have a group formed, you may signal your interest and submit your proposed project/interest through our Team Matching Tool and we can help connect you to potential team members. Please indicate your interest to be matched by August 31, 2020.



The group, at a minimum, must be comprised of either:

  • A patient-partner, senior researcher, and trainee/junior researcher, or

  • An experienced patient-partner, a newly engaged patient-partner, and a researcher/trainee.


Here are a few examples of activities that could be supported by the 2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Collaborative Mentorship Grant:

  1. Exploring strategies to reduce the use of scientific jargon and technical language within a research project

  2. Converting consent forms into more easily accessible and/or alternate formats (e.g video)

  3. Brainstorming ideas for a novel POR project

  4. Establishing a focus group to address a POR gap

  5. Developing alternate dissemination strategies to transmit key patient engagement information in different communication modalities.



  • Online collaboration tools (e.g. Zoom, etc.)

  • Registration fees

  • Consultation costs to facilitate the effective interaction of the group

  • Costs to invite input from an expert

  • Project support personnel

  • Reimbursement for the patient-partner’s time and travel-related expenses required to participate in the team’s activities.

If interested in applying, please download our application package and submit by September 30, 2020.

For any further inquiries, please contact pierre.zwiegers@child-bright.ca.