Our Governance — CHILD-BRIGHT Network

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Curious about how our pan-Canadian network is structured and governed? Here is a detailed breakdown.

Graphic of the CHILD-BRIGHT Network's governance structure


Our work is made possible thanks to funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) under Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), and 15 generous funding partners from public and private sectors across Canada.


Network Steering Committee

The Network Steering Committee (NSC), which includes the Executive Committee, has the highest-level decision-making authority in the CHILD-BRIGHT Network. The NSC oversees and manages the network.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is in place to make time-sensitive decisions as necessary between NSC meetings, and to provide leadership to the NSC.


The International Advisory Committee will capitalize on national and international expertise external to the network in the areas of knowledge mobilization and implementation science, as well as in equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigenization. It will include broad representation of people from within our ecosystem.

legacy and SUSTAINABILITY taskforce

The Legacy and Sustainability Taskforce will maintain collaborative relationships with funding partners and establish mechanisms to sustain the gains of the network beyond the period covered by the Phase 2 grant.

Engagement Council: partners with lived and living experience

The Engagement Council: Partners with Lived and Living Experience (EC: PWLE), composed of youth (aged 14 to 29) living with brain-based developmental disabilities (BDD), parents of children with BDD, and other knowledge users, provides guidance on embedding individuals with lived and living experience in all network projects and activities to ensure their authentic engagement.


Composed of youth with lived and living experience of brain-based developmental disabilities, the National Youth Advocacy Council (NYAC) offers guidance on ways to initiate, improve, and sustain engagement within the network.


The Implementation Science (IS) Research Committee works with IS Research Program co-leads to inform project teams’ development of their research and to monitor their progress.


The Training & Capacity Building (T&CB) Committee provides guidance on how to apply learnings relating to knowledge mobilization, implementation science, and equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigenization to patient-oriented research projects.


The Knowledge Mobilization (KM) Committee provides KM consultation and mentoring support to project teams and engages in KM activities that fall within the purview of the KM Program.


The EDI-DI Committee guides the network in the integration of CHILD-BRIGHT's EDI-DI framework in network activities.

Network Programs

Five program teams come together to accomplish CHILD-BRIGHT's mandate. Learn more about each by visiting their pages.

Network Services

Health Economics

Our Health Economics team evaluates the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of emerging technologies, interventions, treatments, and services for a wide range of pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders. We provide expertise on choosing valid outcome measures for resource use and quality of life and assist with customization for particular studies. We work closely with each project team and the Data Coordinating Centre to enable and promote the conduct of high quality economic evaluations alongside relevant projects.

Data Coordinating Centre

The Data Coordinating Centre (DCC) helps CHILD-BRIGHT research projects develop secure, reliable, and rigorous systems to collect, analyze, and report study data. We ensure that research data is collected in an appropriate manner, kept private and secure, and used to maximum effect. 

Engagement of Partners with Lived and Living Experience

Partners with lived and living experience are at the heart of everything we do and have a leadership role in almost all of our committees (see diagram for details). Would you like to join us and contribute to our success, on one of our committees or in some other capacity?