Join us in Montreal on August 15th to learn about patient-oriented research.
In this session, we will deliver Module 1 of CIHR's Foundational Skills in Patient-Oriented Research curriculum, which introduces the concept of patient engagement in the research process. The session is open to all CHILD-BRIGHT stakeholders, so we encourage any local patient-partners, investigators, and trainees to contribute to the ongoing discussion.
When: Wednesday, August 15
Time: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: McGill
(D-20, 3654 Prom Sir-William-Osler, Montréal, Québec H3G 1Y5)
A light breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be offered
For a general overview of the session, please consult the outline.
Final details (including venue information) will be relayed to you approximately one-week prior to the session
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, participants should be able to:
Define patient-oriented research and describe how it is different from more traditional health research
Articulate why it is beneficial to involve patients in health research
Describe the various roles that patients can meaningfully and actively play in health research, including governance, priority setting, peer review and other committee work, and the conduct of research itself
Identify the kinds of roles that they are interested in
Identify future learning needs related to those roles
Assess the unique strengths that patients may bring, not only as patients but through their other personal, educational and professional experiences
Describe the spectrum of participation as outlined by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)
Describe the guiding principles that underpin patient engagement in health research: inclusiveness, support, mutual respect and co-building
Describe examples of ways patients have been involved in patient-oriented research
Outline the practical considerations for engaging patients as partners in health research (e.g. compensation, incentives and rewards that are meaningful to the participant, culturally and socially safe environments)
Compare patient-reported outcome measures and patient-reported experience measures with measures traditionally used in health research
Appreciate the value of personal stories and how they contribute to a better understanding of the needs, values and preferences of patient.
Please relay any inquiries to