What is the KT Innovation Incubator?
The purpose of the KT innovation Incubator is to promote and facilitate innovative knowledge translation projects in childhood disability.
To begin the brainstorming process on innovative Knowledge Translation project ideas, a webinar was presented by Children’s Healthcare Canada (formerly known as CAPHC) in August 2017 and a “BRAINstorm” workshop was conducted at our Brain-Child-Partners Conference on November 6, 2017 in Toronto, ON. Since then, we have awarded five projects, including Child-Sized KT (2018), Ready 2 Work (2019), Making Sense of Connectedness (2019), WeeWheel (2020), and Perspectives of Mental Health (2020). We are now launching this year’s CHILD-BRIGHT grant competition to fund innovative projects that will help us answer our greatest challenges in knowledge translation and patient-oriented research. See below for more details.
What is the grant competition?
Funding information
Our KT Innovation Incubator grant competition will award up to $12,000 to each of two (2) winning knowledge translation research projects that aim to answer a research question related to knowledge translation and patient-oriented research.
The winning projects are expected to be completed within a year. Up to two (2) projects will be funded in this competition. Funding is non-renewable, but a maximum extension of 6 months will be granted for project activities to be completed.
The winning team(s) will receive support from:
The Knowledge Translation Program team, including the expertise of the KT Advisory Committee
The KT committee researchers, who will actively support the recipients of this grant in evaluating (or demonstrating) impact, therefore generating research knowledge about the knowledge translation activities.
Additionally, we will conduct a case study about innovative knowledge translation based on the KT Innovation Incubator’s winning projects.
CHILD-BRIGHT Communications (i.e. social media channels to promote a specific event).
Who Can Apply?
How Do I Apply?