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CHILD-BRIGHT Network Patient-Oriented Research Discussions | Fair and Equitable Recognition: Compensation That Removes Barriers for Patient-Partners in Patient-Oriented Research

This event is now over but if you missed it, a recording is available below.

To enhance the exchange of ideas between all our stakeholders, the CHILD-BRIGHT Network regularly hosts Patient-Oriented research Discussions (PODs). In each session, we discuss and explore content related to patient engagement in research. This can include interesting projects and resources, pieces of media, podcasts, webinars, research articles, or any other materials that involve patient-oriented research (POR). Each session is hosted by a presenter who picks the topic and resources for the session and drives open discussions with all attendees, allowing participants to jointly explore various issues and topics that relate to POR. Each session consists of a 60-minute exploration of the resources and topic identified by the host presenter, followed by an optional 30-minute networking opportunity.

Join us to discuss our fifth topic:

When: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET

End-to-end integration of patients as partners onto your research teams helps ensure that your questions, methods, and findings are meaningful, relevant, and implementable. Equitable compensation not only reduces barriers to contribution, but also reinforces the indispensable importance of incorporating the patient-partner’s lived experience throughout the research process. Join us as we explore some of the ethics of why fair compensation should always be offered and examine some practical strategies to help you overcome the inherent challenges to making payments possible.

Session objectives: 

  1. Outline why providing compensation is important and explore some of the inherent challenges that have inhibited or may inhibit patient-partner compensation strategies  

  2. Provide a brief overview of CHILD-BRIGHT’s suggested compensation guidelines

  3. As a group, explore how certain challenges have been overcome and highlight possible systemic changes that would need to be implemented


•    Kent Cadogan Loftsgard
•    Crystal Chin
•    Carrie Costello