Meet Hans Dupuis, National Youth Advisory Panel Member

We are thrilled to introduce the members of our new National Youth Advisory Panel. To read more about this new panel, and its mandate, click here.

Hans Dupuis, 23


What are you studying and/or what are your professional ambitions?

I completed high school in 2011 and went to CEGEP until 2016, but didn’t complete it. I’ve had several small jobs but my goal was to get a job as an librarian’s assistant in a local Montreal library. I signed up to Action Main-d’œuvre, an organisation that helps people ‘with differences’ find employment and with their help, I got a position at Air Canada. I’ve been working there since 2017.

I’ve also been a mentor at Action Main-d’œuvre Worktopia workshops, a program that helps people with autism get ready for the workforce.


What are your passions, interests, and hobbies?

In my free time, I read a lot of manga and graphic novels. I also play video games on the computer with a friend. I like playing Dungeon and Dragon with a group of friends, and also enjoy live-action role playing (LARP). I enjoy going to the movies with my girlfriend. I like doing Cosplay at conventions. I also take medieval fencing lessons and have done Kendo in the past, a type of Japanese fencing.

I love history and because I studied it in school, I’m quite knowledgeable in this field. I have a very good memory.

I also love learning foreign language; I studied Spanish and German in CEGEP, and am learning some Russian at home. I strive to one day add Japanese to this listing since Japan fascinates me. I dream of going there one day!


Can you tell us about your experience with brain-based developmental disabilities?

I have pervasive developmental disorder (mild Asperger syndrome), now called Autism Spectrum Disorder, with a mild attention deficit. During my school years, I’ve always received help, from grade school to CEGEP.


What are your hopes for the National Youth Advisory Panel?

I don’t have specific ambitions but I want to help others with brain-based disabilities or autism, in any way I can, and hope to learn from this team along the way also.


Meet the other youth advisory panel members:





Read about our first in-person gathering and training session here.