Kent Cadogan Loftsgard, fourth from left, representing CHILD-BRIGHT patient-partners at the 2018 CIHR-SPOR Summit
We are thrilled to welcome 14 new trainees to CHILD-BRIGHT for the 2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Summer Studentship Program!
Every year, CHILD-BRIGHT helps train a new cohort of students in patient-oriented research (POR) by helping our project and program teams hire trainees for the summer. For the 2020 edition, we earmarked over $45,000 to support these trainees, who will be working with nine CHILD-BRIGHT research projects.
As part of the onboarding, trainees follow a five-part introductory training series to learn about the concept of patient-oriented research. This year, we are especially excited to acknowledge CHILD-BRIGHT patient-partner Kent Cadogan Loftsgard’s involvement in the 2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Summer Studentship Program.
Kent has a diverse background ranging from health communication to clinical education. He is heavily involved in the SPOR community and CHILD-BRIGHT, where his perspective and wealth of knowledge inform a variety of POR initiatives.
In addition to his participation in the program, Kent will introduce and facilitate a new webinar this year where he will share some of his insights into research with trainees, from his perspective as a patient-partner.
For the past three years, the practical experience and the learning activities provided through the 2020 CHILD-BRIGHT Summer Studentship Program have equipped trainees with the knowledge and skills to better engage patients as partners in the research process as they work towards becoming tomorrow’s leaders. We hope the 2020 edition does the same for this summer’s trainees.
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